Liikumisõpetuse teadusrakk
Liikmed ülikoolist:
Andre Koka, Maret Pihu, Henri Tilga, Pille-Riin Meerits, Hanna Kalajas-Tilga, Hanna Kristin Kivistik, Triinu Lilienthal,
üliõpilased Hasso Paap, Steven Kabanen, Indrek Rooväli, Karl Kuhlberg
Liikmed väljastpoolt ülikooli:
Sigrit Tilk, Karin Vassil
Eesti Kehalise Kasvatuse Liit
Uuritavad probleemid:
Liikumisõpetuse ainekava arendamisega seonduvad uurimisküsimused; Liikumisõpetuse ainedidaktilised uurimisküsimused; Liikumisõpetuse ja koolivälise vaba-aja liikumise motivatsioonilalased uurimisküsimused.
Töörühma esinemised konverentsidel ja seminaridel:
Paap, H., Koka, A., Meerits, P-R. & Tilga, H. Examining the efficacy of a web-based need-supportive intervention program for physical education teachers: the changes in cognitive and behavioral outcomes among students in relation to physical activity. 17th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences (24.-26.04.2024)
Pihu, M., Salme, K. Supporting the development of socio-emotional skills in physical education by the Estonian physical education teachers. 17th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences (24.-26.04.2024)
Koka, A., Rutkauskaitė, R., Fernāte, A., Roosiväli, I., Grudzinskaitė, G., Vazne, Ž., Gruodytė-Račienė, R., Visagurskienė, K. & Tilga, H. Predicting adolescents' physical activity during school recess in a schoolyard: Testing a model based on self-determination theory and theory of planned behaviour in Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian samples. 17th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences (24.-26.04.2024)
Tilga, H., Aljasmäe, LM., Paap, H., Meerits, P-R. & Koka, A. The effectiveness of a web-based intervention program in enhancing physical education teachers' need-supportive behaviors: a study of teachers' experiences. 17th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences (24.-26.04.2024)
Meerits, P.-R.; Tilga, H.; Koka, A. Web-based need-supportive interventions for physical education teachers and parents to support children’s physical activity related cognitive outcomes. 17th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences (24.-26.04.2024)
Koka, A., Tilga, H. Motiveeriv õpetamine. Pedagogicumi teemaseminar VI (06.03.2023).
- Eesti Kehalise Kasvatuse Liidu aastakonverents „Laste liikumist toetav õpetamine“ (11.-12.11.2022)
- Koka, A. Kehalise kasvatuse õpetajatele suunatud sekkumisprogrammide tõhususest õpilaste liikumismotivatsiooni tõstmisel.
- Meerits, P.-R. Kuidas lapsevanemad saaksid lastes tekitada sisemist motivatsiooni vabal ajal liikuda?
- Koka, A. Õpetajatele suunatud sekkumisprogrammide tõhusus õpilaste liikumismotivatsiooni tõstmisel. Teadus, Sport ja Meditsiin XI (08.-10.09.2022, Tartu).
- Koka, A., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Tilga, H., Hein, V. & Raudsepp, L. Self-Determination Theory Predicting Change In Students’ Motivation In Physical Education: A One-Year Longitudinal Study. 15th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences. Lithuanian Sports University, 32 (28.-29.04.2022, Leedu).
- Meerits, P.-R., Raudsepp, L., Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A. Development of the theory- and web-based parental autonomy-supportive intervention to increase out-of-school physical activity among secondary school students. 26th Annual ECSS Virtual Congress. European College of Sport Science, 221−222 (08.-10.09.2021).
- Tilga H., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Raudsepp, L. & Koka, A. The role of autonomy support from peers, parents and physical education teachers on adolescents’ physical activity and health-related quality of life: A one-year test of the trans-contextual model. 26th Annual ECSS Virtual Congress. European College of Sport Science, 180−180 (08.-10.09.2021).
- Meerits, P.-R., Raudsepp, L., Tilga, H., Koka, A. Theory-based interventions combining physical education teachers' and parents' autonomy-supportive training to increase out-of-school physical activity among secondary school students – a randomized controlled trial protocol. 14th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences. Latvijas Sporta Pedagogijas Akademija (29.-30.04.2021, Riia/Läti).
Üleriigilistes töörühmades panustamine:
Põhikooli ja gümnaasiumi riikliku õppekava valdkonna "Kehaline kasvatus" liikumisõpetuse ainekava töörühm. Maret Pihu (töörühma juht)
- García-González, L., Abós, Á., Sanz-Remacha, M., Burgueño, R., Diloy-Peña, S., Mayo-Rota, C., García-Cazorla, J., Sevil Serrano, J,. Pérez Ovejero, D., Álvarez Testillano, I., de Pablo González, N., Sanz Prieto, M., De Pablo, G., Rodríguez Fernández, S., Adelaar, D., de Bakker, T., Tilga, H., Koka, A., Cid, L., Rodrigues, F., Carvalho, G., Jesus Fernandes Rodrigues, J., Szymánski, T., Leinonen, J., Karhapää, H. (2023). FITeens Toolkit. Promoting health-related behaviours in the educational context. Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Zaragoza Zaragoza. DOI: 10.26754/uz.978-84-18321-83-2.
- Tilga, H., Vahtra, K. & Koka, A. (2023). The role of teachers (de-)motivational styles on students’ autonomous motivation in physical education and leisure time. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 15 (4), 5. DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.15.4.05.
- Meerits, PR., Tilga, H. & Koka, A. (2023). Web-based need-supportive parenting program to promote physical activity in secondary school students: a randomized controlled pilot trial. BMC Public Health, 23 (1), 1627. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-16528-4.
- Mäestu, E., Kull, M., Mäestu, J., Pihu, M., Kais, K., Riso, EM., Koka, A., Tilga, H. & Jürimäe, J. (2023). Results from Estonia’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth: Research Gaps and Five Key Messages and Actions to Follow. Children, 10 (8), 1369. DOI: 10.3390/children10081369.
- Tilga, H., Koka, A., & Sevil-Serrano, J. (2023). Editorial: Family and school-based interventions to increase adolescents' leisure-time physical activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1208687.
- Asghar Ahmadi, Michael Noetel, Philip Parker, Richard M. Ryan, Nikos Ntoumanis, Johnmarshall Reeve, Mark R. Beauchamp, Theresa Dicke, Alexander Yeung, Malek Ahmadi, Kimberley Bartholomew, Thomas K.F. Chiu, Thomas Curran, Gokce Erturan, Barbara Flunger, Christina Frederick, John Mark Froiland, David González-Cutre, Leen Haerens, Lucas Matias Jeno, Andre Koka, Christa Krijgsman, Jody Langdon, Rhiannon Lee White, David Litalien, David Lubans, John Mahoney, Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay, Erika Patall, Dana Perlman, Eleanor Quested, Sascha Schneider, Martyn Standage, Kim Stroet, Damien Tessier, Cecilie Thogersen-Ntoumani, Henri Tilga, Diego Vasconcellos, Chris Lonsdale (2023). A Classification System for Teachers’ Motivational Behaviours Recommended in Self-Determination Theory Interventions. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115 (8), 1158−1176. DOI: 10.1037/edu0000783
- Ortega, F.B., Leskošek, B., Blagus, R., ...Wedderkopp, N., Jurak, G. (2023). European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 57(5), pp. 299–310. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106176
- Galan-Lopez, P., Gísladóttir, T., Pihu, M., ...Ries, F., Domínguez, R. (2022). Health-Related Physical Fitness in Adolescents from Spain, Estonia and Iceland: A Cross-Sectional, Quantitative Study. Sports, 10(12), 188. DOI:
10.3390/sports10120188 - Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A., Tilga, H., Raudsepp, L. & Hagger, M. S. (2022). Application of the Trans-Contextual Model to Predict Change in Leisure Time Physical Activity. Psychology & Health. 37(1), 62-86. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2020.1869741
- Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A., Tilga, H., Raudsepp, L., & Hagger, M. S. (2022). Trans-Contextual Model Predicting Change in Out-of-School Physical Activity: A One-Year Longitudinal Study. European Physical Education Review 28(2), 463–481. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X211053807
- Meerits, P.-R., Tilga, H., Koka, A. (2022). Fostering Need-Supportive Behaviors in Physical Education Teachers and Parents: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Study Protocol of a Web-Based Intervention on Secondary School Students’ Physical Activity. Methods and Protocols, 5(5), 83. DOI:
10.3390/mps5050083 - Viksi, A., Tilga, H. (2022). Perceived Physical Education Teachers’ Controlling Behaviour and Students’ Physical Activity during Leisure Time—The Dark Side of the Trans-Contextual Model of Motivation. Behavioral Sciences, 12(9), 342. DOI: 10.3390/bs12090342
- Hein, V., Koka, A., Tilga, H., Kalajas-Tilga, H. & Raudsepp, L. (2021). The Roles of Grit and Motivation in Predicting Children’s Leisure-time Physical Activity: One-year Effects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 128(6), 2688−2709. DOI: 10.1177/00315125211040448
- Koka, A., Tilga, H., Hein, V., Kalajas-Tilga H., & Raudsepp, L. (2021). A Multidimensional Approach to Perceived Teachers' Autonomy Support and its Relationship with Intrinsic Motivation of Students in Physical Education. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 52(3), 266-286. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2021.52.266
- Pihu, M., Tilga, H., Kull, M. (2021). Kehaline kirjaoskus – uus hariduslik eesmärk. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri, nr 9 (2), 244–269.
- Rutkauskaite, R., Gisladottir, T., Pihu, M., ...Rudzinska, I., Fjørtoft, I. (2021). Schoolyard affordances for physical activity: A pilot study in 6 nordic–baltic countries. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(21), 11640. DOI: 10.3390/su132111640
- Tilga, H., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V. & Koka, A. (2021). Web-based and face-to-face autonomy-supportive intervention for physical education teachers and students’ experiences. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 20, 672−683. DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2021.672
- Tilga, H., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Raudsepp, L., & Koka, A. (2021). Effects of a Web-Based Autonomy-Supportive Intervention on Physical Education Teacher Outcomes. Education Sciences, 11(7), 316.DOI: 10.3390/educsci11070316
- Tilga, H., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Raudsepp, L. & Koka, A. (2021). One-year Follow-up Data on the Face-to-face Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program for Physical Education Teachers. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 52(6), 569-572. DOI: 10.7352/IJSP.2021.52.569
- Tilga, H., Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Raudsepp, L., & Koka, A. (2021). Perceived Autonomy Support from Peers, Parents, and Physical Education Teachers as Predictors of Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life among Adolescents—A One-Year Longitudinal Study. Education Sciences, 11 (9), 457. DOI: 10.3390/educsci11090457
Teised õpetajakoolituse teadusrakud