Karin Allik

13. mail toimub Heidrun Allerti seminar “How technology and the social is (not) related”

13. mail kell 11.00 kuni 12.30 toimub Jakobi 5 ruumis B151 professor Heidrun Allerti (Kieli ülikool) seminar “How technology and the social is (not) related”.

Heidrun Allert on seminari tutvustuseks kirjutanud: In social science we recently developed different approaches to analyse the use of technology. In this talk I will look at the genesis of technology. How are technology and the social related in the design of data driven infrastructures? How can we conceptualize "platforms" from a social and cultural science perspective? This approach is derived from Christiane Floyds work of the 1990th. She is a computer scientist asking, what computer science does. The approach allows to understand the development of technology as an open ended process.

Osalemiseks palume teil registreeruda siin: Registreerumine on avatud kuni 6. maini. 

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