Bioloogia haridus
Liikmed ülikoolist:
Anne Laius, Helin Semilarski, Helen Semilarski, Ana Valdmann
üliõpilane Rolf Saarna
Liikmed väljastpoolt ülikooli:
Imbi Henno
Tallinna Ülikool, Tartu Miina Härma Gümnaasium
Uuritavad probleemid:
Bioloogiateadmiste hindamine, kestliku arengu ja kliimateadlikkuse arendamine ja hindamine, bioloogia- ja kestliku arengu-alaste õppematerjalide koostamine.
Töörühma esinemised konverentsidel ja seminaridel:
- Laius, Anne (2022). Biology education from the point of view of general school students and pre-service teachers. ÖMI konverents 2022, 25.10.2022
- Eridob22: 13th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology, Nicosia, Cyprus, August 29-September 2, 2022
- Semilarski, Helin, Laius, Anne. (2022). Students’ conceptual understanding of core ideas in biology.
- Semilarski, Helin, Laius, Anne. (2022). Content analysis of grade 12 students’ conceptual understanding of core concepts in biology.
- Valdmann, Ana, Suurmets, Hedy. (2022). Students´ misconceptions about respiratory processes using students´ animations.
- Saarna, Rolf, Laius, Anne. (2022). The secondary school teachers’ conceptualization of sustainability literacy and the dimensions of sustainable development.
- Saarna, Rolf; Laius, Anne (2022). A systematic literature review: assessing sustainability literacy. The NARST 95th Annual International Conference—Unity and Inclusion for Global Scientific Literacy: Invite as a Community. Unite as a Community, March 27-30, 2022, in Vancouver
- EDULEARN21 Proceedings, 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Jul 5, 2021 - Jul 7, 2021
- Saarna, Rolf; Vöö, Tiina; Laius, Anne. (2021). The teachers’ perceptions of sustainable development impact on their secondary school students’ level of sustainability literacy
- Semilarski, Helin & Laius, Anne. (2021). Content analysis of upper secondary school students’ conceptual understanding of biological core concepts.
Semilarski, H.; Laius, A. (2021). Exploring biological literacy: A systematic literature review of biological literacy. European Journal of Educational Research, 10 (3), 1181−1197. DOI: 10.12973/eu-jer.10.3.1181.
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