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Arutelugrupid saalis

Pedagogicumi novembrikuised teemaseminarid

#studies #teaching
Tõejärgsuse kummutamine loodusteaduste tundides

Raamatu „Tõejärgsuse kummutamine loodusteaduste tundides" esitlus

#cooperation #studies #teaching
Pedagogicumi suurseminar Pühajärvel

Pedagogicumi suurseminar Pühajärvel

#publishing #studies #teaching
Kaasava hariduse õpiku esitlus

Ilmus uus kaasava hariduse õpik

Pedagogicumi teemaseminar XI

Pedagogicumi teemaseminar XI: tehisintellekt õppetöös

Praktikajuhendajate sügisseminar 2024

Praktikajuhendajate sügisseminar

Pilt TÜÜE tudengitest

Õpetajakoolituse alusmooduli uuring – mida arvavad tudengid?

#cooperation #recognition 
Praktikakogukonna tänusündmus

Toimus praktikakogukonna tänusündmus

Praktikakogukonna kevadkool 2024

TÜ õpetajakoolituse praktikakogukonna kevadkool 2024

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This year, the brand-new Tiksu’s Advent calendar “Tiksu’s 24 days until Christmas” makes awaiting the holiday season special. Each day, a window opens in the calendar with a picture of Tiksu in a new role or doing something Christmas-themed.
  • #for student
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Speech by Rector of the University of Tartu Professor Toomas Asser at the ceremony marking the 105th anniversary of Estonia’s national university on 1 December 2024.
  • #university
  • speech
1 December marks 105 years from the opening of the Estonian-language University of Tartu. Traditional anniversary events will be held on that occasion.
  • #university
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On 25 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the University of Tartu Grand Medal to Professor of International Business Urmas Varblane. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been announced.
  • #recognition 
  • press-release
Come celebrate with us the beginning of higher education in Estonian!
  • #university
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The mentoring programme will be held again this autumn semester, welcoming students, alumni and university staff to apply until 23 September.
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The University of Tartu is hosting a series of events titled “A global and interdisciplinary perspective on using AI tools in university teaching and learning” from 15–18 October 2024.
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On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
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The theme week, running from 5 to 11 February, will include a social media campaign highlighting the work and achievements of women researchers.
  • #sustainability
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The Digital Cleanup Week will take place at the University of Tartu for the fourth time from 22 to 26 January.
  • #sustainability
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The University of Tartu is inviting future international students to come student shadowing and live one day as a university student.
  • #international
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  • #why Tartu
  • press-release
Tartu Ülikooli personaliosakond on uuendanud võrdse kohtlemise temaatikat käsitlevat veebilehte.
  • #university
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The competition for the scholarship established by the rectors of the University of Tartu, University of Latvia and Vilnius University has started again to promote the teaching and learning of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages and cultures.
  • #for student
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The University of Tartu and the Blood Centre of Tartu University Hospital invite university members to the Blood Donor Day in the Delta Centre on 2 November, from 11:00 to 15:00.
  • #cooperation
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The Police and Border Guard announced at 9:15 that dozens of Estonian institutions, including schools and kindergartens, received a bomb threat by email in Russian tonight.
  • #university
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From 2 October to 5 November, all University of Tartu employees, students, alumni, their families and all others interested are welcome to complete the orienteering course and reconnect with the varied history of Toome Hill. 
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The public event takes place on Thursday, 28 September, in the conference hall of the University of Tartu Library.
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The University of Tartu doctoral students are invited to participate in the three-minute thesis competition on 28 September.
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At the beginning of August, the menu layout of the UT website was updated.
  • #university
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On 6 September at 10:00 Tiina Kivirand will defend her doctoral thesis.
  • #research
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